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Pits for sanitary tiles / service columns

We have been supplying our bucket wells to Refac Recreatietechniek for more than twenty years, specializing in the realization of basic facilities for recreation. Not a large company, but great in flexibility and execution.

These bucket wells are incorporated into sanitary tiles / service columns for use at campsites, for example.

Full-Service columns is a unique concept developed by Refac in which the active electrical components such as earth leakage circuit breakers and possibly kWh meters are not housed in a separate cabinet, but integrated into the column. In addition to the advanced Full-Service columns, Refac also supplies connection columns without earth leakage circuit breakers and kWh meters. These Basic Version connection columns can be connected to traditional, centrally located field cabinets that house the required active components. The tap columns are almost always supplied including sanitary tile.

From now on, Refac Recreatietechniek has also switched to bucket wells made from recycled ABS plastic, good news because the materials used can be fully reused at the end of their lifespan (we are of course years and years later) to make new products. to make. In a circular economy there is no waste and more and more raw materials are reused.

If you would like more information about the sanitary tiles / service columns for your campsite, please contact us or visit

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